
Renters are the cornerstone of the success of your rental. Our business model depends on stable, paying renters.

Residents Already in the Unit

If you come to Real Property Management Service with a tenant already in place, we have a simple initial communication with them. We provide them with a Resident’s Manual, explain the rent payment process, and review how to contact our office to address repair or maintenance needs. The Real Property Management Service office will also review the existing lease to determine whether or not if any adjustments may be required.


Some property owners want to communicate directly with their renters: we strongly discourage this. We want to do all we can to ease your mind from the concerns that arise from being a landlord. However, we cannot effectively do the job that you have hired us to do if you are communicating directly with the tenants. The tenants may interpret your communication (s) as further contractual obligations that may cause you to incur legal liability. By keeping the lines of communication clean between Real Property Management Service and the tenant, the potential for ambiguity can be eliminated. We are happy to work with you to relay information to the tenants if necessary.Â